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Product Placement: U. S. Ads 50’s style?

Posted by bwmm on May 17, 2010

Product Placement

How Stuff Works Product Placement

Telemundo Touts New Brand of Telenovela

Okay so I’m not trying to get telenovela or Telemundo crazy here, but I am watching a telenovela called Mas Sabe El Diablo on netflix. I’m studying spanish and trying to watch and listen (not read yet) Spanish.  Well if you’ve seen the series or many of the new Telemundo series they slyly thow in product placement. They integrated them so much into the series you don’t think about it. This reminds me of when I watched a soap from the 50’s. I was watching the soap (YT) I think and there was a scene in which two women were talking and one was washing clothes. All of a sudden she started talking about the detergent and I was like wait you mean that was a commercial. It was so much a part of the show that you couldn’t even tell. In fact I noticed that with many of the older shows.  I actually like this idea.  That way tv shows will be able to bring in income. It helps to also pay for production. Big reason you see product placements in movies especially blockbusters.   I’ve already noticed State Farm, Aveeno and now Aaron’s there were probably others I didn’t realize.

I think if we should look into this when making movies as well as tv series. I know people get upset about ads, but it’s how stations, tv shows etc. are able to stay in business. Even movie theaters are doing it, because they really don’t make much money from showing movies. Most of their money comes from the concessions. That’s why they are so expensive. I think movie theaters don’t make money for the first few weeks of a movie. They start to make money after a certain amout of time, but by then either the audiences are dwindling or the movie is out the theater.

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